Thursday, February 17, 2005

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Home Page

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Home Page

Well it had to happen, my PC at work died today (it's been BSOD regularly for a while now), don't quite know what's wrong, but it's failed to boot properly after and it's in a horrid state so the people who look at these things took it away muttering. This is an old Dell running XP SP1 (SP2 failed to install - shows what a happy state it was in :).

Since I'm only here for another week, it's probably not worth trying to find out how to fix it, all my mail's on the server etc.

Anyway I bit the bullet and whipped out my AMD Athlon64 system out (which is my own system) on a NVidia NForce3 motherboard. It's got Windows XP Professional 64bit on it. Though I wouldn't recommend this for most people, when it works, it really does show off and is blindingly fast. Of course this is with the NVidia beta 64 bit NForce drivers too.

It is quirky, 32 bit drivers can crash it into a state where it's unusable (I had to go into safe-mode to remove them), I can still use ActiveSync and my iPaq with Outlook which is good, because I'd be lost without that. Logitech Camera, Plantronics headset and Wacom tablet (USB) weren't so lucky.

With the new NVidia NForce4 stuff coming out supporting single or dual single/dual core Opterons, with XP64 (or Linux/Solaris) they are really going to fly.

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